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Lot 795
Lance Ediger
66 Yearling Steer
$Price/cwt 206
Base Weight: 950

QSA/PVP: ' Tag Type : Slide: 6 cents over 950
Born Between:
Delivery Location: Hoversland Scale which is 35 miles N of Wolf Point, MT which is 280 miles NE of Billings, MT
Breed Type: Black
Breed of Cow:
Breed of Bull
Frame: Medium/Medium Large Horns: Few Nubs
Flesh: Medium/Medium Heavy Implants: None by this owner
Est. Wt. Var.: Uneven (15 - 20% /-)    
Precon Program
Vaccinations All calfhood vaccinations
Castration Method Knife Cut/Banded
Feed Program Long winter native grass summer
Delivery Date: 2014-09-08 - 2014-09-12
Wt Conditions: Early AM gather, trail 5 mi, weighed on the Ground with a 3 % shrink.
Comments: 8-10 shorter ears or tails. Bunk broke, good to handle. 63,000lb load. 11 with short ears and tails stay home.
Rep: Iva Murch/Glasgow Stockyards Inc. Phone: 406-263-7529